Time to kick your bad romance with nicotine! Quit enhances mood, concentration, counters nicotine withdrawal and relieves respiratory strain. Reduce tobacco use and QUIT cigarettes for good!Use QUIT alone or mix with tobacco and gradually decrease the amount at your own pace until you've phased it out completely. Just be done, QUIT!
Triterpenoids, Buddlindeterpen, Sesquiterpenes
SIP as a Therapeutic Tea
VAPE in a Dry Herb Vaporizer
SMOKE in a Ceremonial Pipe or Herbal Roll
Use QUIT unmixed for strong nicotine cravings
Mix QUIT with other blends for milder nicotine cravings
Use other blends without QUIT to phase out your addiction
QUIT Herbal Blend
Lobelia -lobelia inflata-* Contains a chemical called lobeline which acts like nicotine, when used carefullu it can fool the body into thinking it has nicotine in the system, and help stave off cravings for cigarettes.
planet | elementColtsfoot -tussilago farfara- Used for more than 2,000 years as a treatment for throat and lung ailments, including bronchitis, asthma, and chronic cough.
planet | elementGotu Kola -centella asiatica- Improves mental clarity, allowing you to stick to your “guns”.
planet | elementCalifornia Poppy -eschscholzia californica- One of the main reasons people smoke is to reduce tension, that is where Calfornia poppy comes in as a sedative & hypnotic along with a mild Euphoric effect.
planet | elementMullein -verbascum thapsus- Historically the roots or dried leaves are smoked by natives around the world to treat asthma.
planet | elementSpearmint -Mentha spicata- This is the chief essential oil in menthol that is packed with numerous vitamins, antioxidants and phyto-nutrients.
planet | element